I found endurance sports and mindset coaching on my journey to find MORE of out life and create a life of WANT.
​Somewhere along the way when I left my job as an Executive Director to be a stay-at-home mom I lost who I was and what I wanted from life. When I sent my daughter off to preschool, I looked around and I didn't recognize me. I had put myself in a small container. I was limiting who I was and how I was showing up.
There was nothing wrong. I had a beautiful daughter, a supportive husband, a house, 2 dogs… but what I knew deep down... I was living a SHOULD life, not a WANT life. I 100% knew this was not how I wanted to live my life.
Like many people who want a change, I looked to fitness and sports. Sports is a great way to focus on immediate change in your mind and body. At the age of 33, with zero experience in swim, bike or run, I signed up for my first triathlon. In my first race, I tapped into the athlete buried deep inside and I fell in love with triathlons and who I was as an athlete. ​​​​
I discovered I was capable of doing hard things.​
​I could problem solve on the fly.​
I could push through the voices in my head that said "STOP!"​
I could sit in discomfort for hours.
​I was meant for something much bigger than I even knew.​
I was not just a mom, just a wife, I was SO MUCH MORE!

​​As Brene Brown so powerfully stated, it was like the Universe was still tapping me on my shoulder and telling me to "let go of who you think you are supposed to be and to embrace who you are."
​Here is the thing, once you open Pandora’s box, you cannot close it and it doesn't mean you actually know what to do with it! My journey to create a WANT life took sharp and painful turns. Turns with deep sadness, pain, letting go, joy, hurting people I love, and losing the people I love the most. Like all journeys, there are beautiful and ugly parts, you are never the same on the other side.
In search of me, I blew up my life and the lives of people I love. In my deepest moment of shame and regret, I found the teaching of the Life Coach School and it changed my life. It was the key I was missing to move out of the suffering I was stuck in and create a life of MORE. I finally answered my questions... but how?
It gave me the tools, knowledge, skills and deep understanding of coaching that allowed me to let go of fear, unraveled the strangling spiral of shame and fully embrace who I am.
When I applied it to my athletic goals, my racing took off! I raced 4 Ironman World Championships, earned a black shirt at Norseman and won the Starvation Extreme Triathlon and I have so many other MASSIVE DREAMS!
I am passionate about helping others create more in their life.
I belive that is possible by strengthening and aligning your mental, emotional, and physical capacity.​

We do not live life in silos, it is all connected.
You can explore self-doubt on the race course and apply that to your business goals.
You can improve your relationships and use that understanding to race better.
When we align our mental, physical, and emotional centers, that is when the magic happens.
I know what it is like to want MORE and to go after it in sports and life!.
I changed my life from a SHOULD life to a WANT life. If you are ready to create the life you want and are excited to live, I am here for you! Let's go get it!